Ceylon Cinnamon


I’m a big foodie myself, and spent a few years working as a private chef as well as in various restaurants. Because of that, I like to keep my chile stand full of various products which are hard to get, but quite worth the cost! This Ceylon Cinnamon is made with traditional methods in Sri […]


I’m a big foodie myself, and spent a few years working as a private chef as well as in various restaurants. Because of that, I like to keep my chile stand full of various products which are hard to get, but quite worth the cost! This Ceylon Cinnamon is made with traditional methods in Sri Lanka. It is different than the typical cassia cinnamon most commonly found in grocery stores in that it has many many more layers to it. This cinnamon has a more gentle flavor, and takes a lot more time in producing, as every different layer has to be layered by hand over a period of several days. This cinnamon is much easier to grate into a spiced tea or other festive beverage than the typical cinnamon you find in stores.

picture from top of ceylon cinnamon